Wriit has curated content, excerpts, from leading publications globally. Published articles feature the history, events, people and places that have impacted the lives of People of Color. As the Wriit Community grows, members may enjoy the benefit of being featured on wriit.com, as well as our social media channels. We encourage Wriit Community Members to continue to author great content and share broadly. Wriit.com is a Willoughby Avenue, LLC. brand, a publisher and independent agency, committed to building Brands of Color. Our brands include KOLUMN Magazine, KINDR'D Magazine and The FIVE FIFTHS.
Isaac Chotiner, The New Yorker Donna Brazile wrote that she is “excited to join the honest and passionate debate...
Rebecca Traister, The Cut In an election-night tweet, Democrat Stacey Abrams urged her supporters to “STAY IN LINE until...
New Novel Highlights Jim Crow, Colorism and George Stinney, Jr.
She’s a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside a blistering forehand: For all her growing fame, the world’s No....
"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by...
“Black Bottom Street View,” now exhibiting at the Detroit Public Library, thoughtfully displays old images of the historic African...
Kate Shuster, Southern Poverty Law Center are not adequately teaching the history of American slavery, educators are not sufficiently...
Fred Jones, By Ranjani Chakraborty (Vox), The Oklahoma Eagle Nearly 100 years ago, Tulsa, Oklahoma’s “Black Wall Street” was...
This documentary celebrates the singer’s remarkable return to the stage after a car accident but fails to illuminate the...